Saturday, February 9, 2013

another county’s condition~United States of America~

Hello, everyone.

Today, I am going to talk about another county’s condition. This time, I am goigto talk about the helicopter first aid of United States of America.

The helicopter first aid of America was tried by the armed forces and the police. However, the armed forces and the police were not able to do only first aid, because they had another mission. Therefore, the emergency helicopter stood by as based in a hospital, and a method that the emergency helicopter picked up medical staff, and flied to the spot began in 1972.The hospital of the beginning set up the heliport on the roof. And it charters a private helicopter and a private helicopter wait day and night. Then, a private helicopter is sent according to request from the fire department headquarters. At first, a doctor and a nurse boarded the helicopter. However, the boarding of the doctor to a helicopter was canceled to cost. And only paramedic and a flight nurse made to get into a helicopter. Therefore, medical control developed with an important meaning. The model of a helicopter first aid of America is a flight range is wide, so it fly to a radius of 200km.It also flies by night. Recently, when the weather is bad, it does instrument flight. The navigation costs are benefit principle. It is the burden on patient, but, actually, it is paid by medical insurance. Furthermore, it is paid by relief insurance "Medicaid" of the public medical insurance "Medicare" and life poor for an elderly person and people with a disability. By the way, the United States is said that there are few members of the medical insurance. However, recently, the uninsured decreased to around 15% when it included such a public insurance. It was revealed that it was advantageous by the aspect of the hospital management when they used a helicopter in this way. Most of the patients were only the people near the hospital till then. However, inpatients increased as a range spread by a helicopter. And the availability of the bed improved. Besides, a patient calling a helicopter is the person of the rich person or affiliate to medical insurance. Furthermore, the treatment regimen has much high treatment because a patient is seriously ill. Therefore the length of stay becomes long more than normal double. Therefore the incomes of the hospital increase, too.

The helicopter first aid was thought that it was too expensive to put into practice. However, while it passed for several years, not only a doctor but also the hospital manager noticed that it have the advantage. And, in the 1980s, the emergency helicopter of the hospital base has begun to increase suddenly. And the emergency helicopter program increased to approximately 200 places by the mid-1990s.

The patient who received first aid by the helicopter first aid system is approximately 250,000 people a year. In other words, it shows that one helicopter helps more than 700 people.


I am going to talk about the present conditions of our country next week.

See you.

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